S. Danso Social Service Work Professional Corporation is an award-Winning Social Services - Toronto established to educate, support, and provide resources to the public and individuals through a variety of health and wellness programs that are free to the public. A place to share, learn and support each other. At S. Danso Social Service Work Professional Corporation, we envision a world where every individual has access and support.

Our goal is to build a more promising future by cooperating with the community. In order to support people, we offer a variety of health and wellness programs, including mental health, children's programs, youth and young adult programs, senior programs, and community support. Our mission is to meet people's needs and make sure that Everyone Has Access To Support.®


Establishing a supportive, and cooperative atmosphere through our programs, training, workshops, and sessions allows us to discuss your issues together at a speed that suits you. This is a key component of S. Danso Social Service Work Professional Corporation.

We, at S. Danso Social Service Work Professional Corporation, certify that we are an equality-seeking, Canadian organization that is free from racism, harassment, and discrimination.

Throughout the province of Ontario, we provide inclusive services and programs for children, youth, and adults both on-site and off-site.